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BIOINFORMATICS is part of BIOSTEC, the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.
Registration to BIOINFORMATICS allows free access to all other BIOSTEC conferences.

Although the conference is back to the normal mode (i.e., in-person) speakers are allowed to present remotely if unable to travel to the venue (hybrid support).
The purpose of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the design and application of modelling frameworks, algorithmic concepts, computational methods, and information technologies to address challenging problems in Bioinformatics and Biomedical research.
There is a tremendous need to explore how mathematical, statistical and computational techniques can be used to better analyze, predict, and finally understand biological processes and systems. In the face of the massive amount of currently-available biological data, novel methodologies and tools are required. Areas of interest to this community include systems biology and biological networks (regulatory, neuronal, predator-prey, ecological ones, etc.), sequence analysis, biostatistics, graph models, image analysis, scientific data management and data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational evolutionary biology, structural bioinformatics and structure prediction, computational genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, and related areas.

Conference Co-chairs

Ana FredInstituto de Telecomunicações and Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon), Portugal
Hugo GamboaNova University of Lisbon, Portugal


Hesham AliUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha, United States
Ning DengZhejiang University, China

Keynote Speakers

Giovanni SaggioUniversity of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Elazer EdelmanMassachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Mireille HildebrandtVrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Riccardo BellazziUniversita di Pavia, Italy
Science and Technology Publications, Lda

All papers presented at the conference venue
will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library
(consult SCITEPRESS Ethics of Publication)

Springer Nature Computer Science

A short list of best papers will be invited
for a post-conference special issue of the
Springer Nature Computer Science Journal

Communications in Computer and Information Science

It is planned to publish a short list of revised and
extended versions of presented papers with
Springer in a CCIS Series book

In Cooperation with:

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
